Un acercamiento a la nueva educación.
HIGHLIGHTS: U6. Tools and machines.
In our age of complicated machinery, it’s easy to forget that even the most complicated mechanics are just a large set of simple machines. We use complicated machines for parts of our lives and too often push through tasks when a little bit of ingenuity would make the task much easier. Pulleys can be used to make various types of elevators, or in converting flywheels to useful energy as in an old-fashioned mill. This simple pulley experiment is a great hands-on simple machine for kids to help kids understand how pulleys work to make things easier! This fun pulley experiments will be done by making simple machines with household items!
Tools and machines history.
Posible 1
Retama, retama,
la Virgen te llama,
que le hagas la cama
al Niño Jesús,
que viene cansado
de cargar la cruz.
Retama, retama,
la Virgen te llama.
De La Palma a La Gomera
van barquitos a la vela;
holguémonos con el Niño
y echemos aparte penas,
pues en todo un año entero
no hay más que una Nochebuena.
Posible 2
Vamos cantadores,
vamos a cantar
al Rey de los cielos
que ha nacido ya.
Danos la limosna
si la quieres dar,
que la noche es larga
y hay mucho que andar.